Quick tutorial and examples =========================== Here is a simple example to create an empty Python module, named `Project`:: $ starterpyth-bin Project name [default=Project]: Python module name [default=project]: Company name [default=19pouces.net]: Author name [default=d9pouces]: d9pouces Author e-mail [default=d9pouces@19pouces.net]: License [default=cecill b]: Minimum Python version [default=2.7]: Use six tool for Python 3 compatibility [default=yes]: Initial version [default=0.1]: Create a Django website [default=yes]: Create sample REST API with Tastypie [default=yes]: Create API doc with Tastypie Swagger [default=yes]: Create a shell application [default=yes]: Create a Cython application [default=yes]: A new directory is created `Project`, containing all files required to cleanly develop, test, distribute and install the project. The generated setup.py file provides many interesting commands:: $ cd Project $ python setup.py --help-commands Standard commands: clean clean up temporary files from 'build' command install install everything from build directory sdist create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.) bdist create a built (binary) distribution bdist_rpm create an RPM distribution check perform some checks on the package Extra commands: compilemessages Compile message files for i18n makemessages Generate message files for i18n pseudo_l10n Compile message files for i18n gen_doc_api Generate simple API index for Sphinx documentation gen_doc Compile project documentation test run unit tests after in-place build profiling Provide shortcuts for debugging and profiling functions lint Evaluate code quality through pylint dependencies Display a list of found dependencies doctest Run examples provided in docstrings usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...] or: setup.py --help-commands or: setup.py cmd --help You should take a look to the documentation of plugins you want to use in :mod:`starterpyth.plugins`. Provided commands are documentated in :mod:`starterpyth.commands`.